Below are the remaining documents sent to me, on a separate date, pertaining to my USDA/APHIS Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The USDA sent only information pertaining to the "formal" investigative action the agency decided to take in October 2010. You will notice that all my emails, my pleading to save the animals, are missing from my FOIA request. In fact, you'll notice there are no internal e-mails or external emails to the WAO included in this document package. This is very disturbing because it gives the reader the impression that the USDA/APHIS immediately reacted to the WAO animals' plight in 2010, when in reality this case has been going on since 2006!
For years, my letters to the USDA described the seriousness of the animals health condition--lack of vet care, lack of care givers, lack of quality food, etc. It wasn't until 2010 that FINALLY the USDA acknowledged they had a problem on their hands.
I am disgusted that the USDA/APHIS refused to act on my original complaints--complaints that are now acknowledged six years later! Shameful. Very shameful.
But I'll let you decide for yourself--here are the "official documents" that was sent to me. After reading all the material, ask yourself why did the USDA refuse to prosecute the WAO Board of Directors from 2006 - 2009. Why did so many animals have to die before the USDA finally decided to take action against the WAO? Why? Why? Why?
1 - USDA Case Against the WAO -- Additional Evidence
I've made the decision not to post Exhibits 1-25 only because they have to deal with "administrative" documents that I have posted or discussed elsewhere in my blogs. Instead, I chose to focus on USDA/APHIS "investigative" documents.
So, let's take a look at Exhibits 26-37 which is simply an overview of the USDA's allegations/findings against the WAO:
2 - USDA Exhibits 26 - 37
Exhibits 38-46 is a continuation of the inspections conducted within the last operational year of the WAO:
3 - USDA Exhibits 38 - 46
...and more write-ups. What is absolutely amazing is that the Talley and Leslie Road properties, for the most part, have ALWAYS had these problems. Why didn't Dr. Pannill take these problems seriously from 2006-2009? Why were all the problems okay when Carol Asvestas was in charge?
WAO chimps never had health care exams! For years the WAO fed the monkeys dog food and it was okay with the USDA until 2010! Monkeys escaped their enclosures for YEARS! Bears lived in filthy small deplorable enclosures for YEARS! Vitamin and minerals were denied to the animals for YEARS! Many of the enclosures were rusted for YEARS! The bear and chimps enclosures/house were filthy for YEARS! Incompatible animals were housed together for YEARS! You know, I could go on and on, but I won't because this line of thought is extremely upsetting. All of the issues addressed in these reports were reported, by me, years ago, and yet the USDA chose to ignore all the problems until 2010. Dr. Pannill and others went so far as to insult me by telling me on the phone or by email that they found "nothing wrong" at the WAO! Again, why, USDA? Why?
Now let's examine the Affidavit of either Michelle or Mary Reininger taken in 2010:
5 - Michelle or Mary Reininger's Affidavit- 092810
For years, the Reiningers turned their backs on the WAO animals, all for a regular paycheck. Remember the bear that was taken to Wild Animals Sanctuary, who suffered a broken back while in the tender care of the Reiningers? Broken teeth, broken bodies, what did these two "animal caretakers" care as long as they received a paycheck, huh?
Why didn't the sisters ever speak up for the animals? Why, Mary and Michelle, did you two "animal caretakers" remain silent while the animals suffered for years, and years, and years? Feel free to comment below and let us all know why failed the animals! I know I'd love to get a straight answer from both of you!
Next is Dr. Finklestein's Affidavit. You may recall Nicole hired her in January 2010 because the WAO animals desperately needed medical help. From January - April 2010, the animals, for the first time in a very long time, received medical attention. Of course, once the Cryers took over, all that changed, and the animals became even sicker.
6 - Dr. Finklestein's Affidavit - 092810
Now, here's Cryer's Affidavit. What can I say about Cryer that hasn't been said already? Inept? Incompetent? Uneducated? You decide for yourself.
7 - Michelle Cryer's Affidavit - 100110
How about this letter the WAO sent to the USDA? Really, does the WAO board of directors and animal care staff deserve the OAG's goodwill after all the animals that died under their care? All the money stolen with the blessings of the WAO Board of Directors? Really?
Action SHOULD be taken against them personally. They are thieves and murders! But that's just my humble opinion...
8 - WAO Relying on OAG Goodwill Not to Prosecute Ltr - 090510
You know, I've always wondered what was discussed at Cryer's board meetings once she "illegally" took over the WAO. What concerned her most? Animal care? Finances? Fundraising? What?
9 - WAO Board Meeting Minutes
Wowser!! From May to June 2010, all Cryer cared about was who filled what position on the board and of course, the WAO's name change to "Texas Wild Animal Sanctuary." What a joke. Did you notice that all the important topics were always "tabled" for the "next" meeting? Just goes to show Cryer was NOT qualified to serve on the WAO's Board of Directors in ANY capacity!
I especially got a hoot out of the board member attending the meetings via "email!" A quorum? Seriously??? Or how about conducting board meetings with just two people in attendance?! Cryer's BOD either were lied to by Cryer herself and did not know the seriousness of the WAO situation, or they are just as inept as Cryer.
It wasn't until the end of June 2010 that the OAG and USDA decided enough was enough--time to have a real "come to Jesus" meeting to discuss the WAO situation. I've written about this meeting in my other blog postings, so I won't rehash--just comment that the government dealt with a small group of people that were absolutely "clueless!"
Well, that's pretty much the documents I received from the USDA. Clearly, one does not get the "entire" picture as to what transpired at the USDA/APHIS for years from just these few hundred documents sent to me. So I guess I will have to "fill in the blanks" with all my emails/pleadings to the USDA posted to this blog.
I tried. I tried very hard to get the USDA/APHIS to do their job. I did everything by the book, but at the end of the day, no one cared until the animals were starving during the summer of 2010. All of the animals' suffering and deaths could have been avoided years ago if the USDA/APHIS actually performed their assigned duties from the "get-go."
Alas, if you expect government to do the right thing, you when it comes to animal protection, then will be sorely disappointed. I know I was.