No Right Click

Sunday, April 1, 2012


This blog contains records obtain under FOAI or Public Information Act.  The first documents presented are from the USDA/APHIS. I will first list the synopsis and then the interviews in such a manner that hopefully the information will make sense to you. The exhibits are out of order only because I thought you should read what I filed with the USDA first, and then the interviews from the WAO staff and others involved in this case.

So, without further fan fare, let's begin the review process:

0 - USDA-AHIS TX06281-AC Synopsis and Exhibits

Even though the names were redacted from the affidavits , you can still figure out who was interviewed based on the document (page 8 ) obtained from the Texas Office of the Attorney General under the Public Information Act.  All you have to do is compare the exhibit number on the redacted document with page 8 and viola!  You can now see who was actually interviewed.

What many folks may not know is that the WAO owned two parcels of land:  Leslie Road (touring facility) and Talley Road (supposedly closed to the public).  At one time, both parcels of land were under the USDA/APHIS exhibiting permit.  Years ago, when the land was acquired, the plan was to move all the animals from Leslie Road to Talley Road and open up Talley Road to the public.  Over time, the Asvestas' decided to move both Leslie and Talley Road to a new piece of property due to the encroachment of all the residential neighborhoods.  Until that time, the Talley Road, in my opinion, became a dumping ground for feral cats, dead animals, and animals that the Asvestas' did not want the public to see.

Here is the request to severe the two properties from the exhibiting license.  This essentially meant the Talley Road facility was no longer "required" to be annually inspected by the USDA (or for that matter ANY governmental/law enforcement body). 

0a - USDA-APHIS - ASUS-WAO Discontinues USDA Permitting at Talley Road

At this point, the WAO animals living at Talley Road were at the mercy of the WAO board of directors and staff.  No one would ever know if an animal lived or died at Talley simply because there was no obligation to maintain animal records at this facility.  This is when the Talley Road nightmare began.

Now, let's take a look at my original complaint again (in case you haven't read the BB Blog):

And here is my write-up pertaining to Talley Road.  Please keep in mind, this is just a few communications provided to the USDA/APHIS over the years.

2 - USDA - APHIS - Certification of Kristina Brunner - Animals Transferred Between Talley and Leslie Road F...


2a - USDA-APHIS - Certification of Kristina Brunner - Tours at Talley Road

My "official" official complaint letter to the USDA:

Here is some additional information you may want to read before reading the WAO Staff's affidavits:

Meeting With Dept of AAPHIS Investigator Morris Smith From 10am

What exactly was my role at the WAO?  Take a look for yourself (multiple pages)!

Proof - Animal Care Tech

So what do you think?  Did you catch the WAO employees were not allowed to speak with investigators unless the WAO attorney, who just happens to report directly to Carol Asvestas, was in the room?  I was told Carol Asvestas even received copies of the employee affidavits after they were signed for her files!  And you can be sure, they were not "redacted!"  What a joke--there was no way the employees would ever tell the truth as to what was going on at the WAO with Carol's "mouth piece" in the room! 

I didn't have my lawyer present at the time of the USDA/APHIS interview.  I had nothing to hide.  I was upfront and completely honest with the USDA.  Too bad the following affidavits does not reflect the same.  You'll notice the employees' affidavits histories conflict with one another.  The employees couldn't even get their stories straight.  Sad.  Very sad.

Now you are ready to read Carol Asvesetas sworn affidavit to the USDA?

3 - USDA - APHIS - Affidavit of Carol Asvestas

Wow!  Talk about a complete work of fiction!  But you know, I should have expected nothing less from this person.  She lied so often throughout the course of the investigation, and sadly, the USDA/APHIS believed just about everything she said. If they had only investigated everything she said to investigators, then perhaps this case could have ended years ago.

Anyhoo, let's take a look at the two senior animal caretakers, Mary and Michelle Reininger's affidavits:

4- USDA- APHIS - Affidavits From Mary Reininger
5- USDA-APHIS - Affidavits From Michelle Reininger

Unbelieveable.  My so-called "friends" lied to the USDA/APHIS too. 

Oh, but let's not forget Cindy Bielo's false statement as well!

USDA-APHIS - Affidavit From Cynthia Biela

And the statement from the former WAO Office Manager, Norma Lagutchik--again, packed full of lies.  How do these people even sleep at night, after what they have done?

7 - USDA - APHIS - Affidavit From Norma Lagutchik

Did you notice that Brandon Prill and Terry Minchew did not provide a statement?  I wonder why not?

Now let's move on to the WAO "vets."  First up is Dr. Henry, Michelle Cryer's employer:

Dr Henry Statement

And then there's Dr. Ehrlund's statement (AKA "Dr. Animal  Kevorkian" in my opinion)

Dr Ehrlund Statement

Wrapping up my FOIA Part I documents was this document:

USDA APHIS Complaint Filed Against WAO - 103111

Hmmm...looks like this document just about mirrors my allegations made in May 2006, doesn't it?  Funny how it took the USDA/APHIS over five years to come to the same conclusions.  So many animals died during this period.  Unbelievable.  Great to see our government so "pro-active" and all--filing this AFTER the WAO closes.

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