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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Shameful Award

Just when I thought this case couldn't possibly sink to a new low...along comes a Public Information Act document from the Texas OAG's Office that has my head spinning...

USDA Selection for Secretary 64th Honor Award - 080712

This is unbelievable!  Two government agencies, one state and one federal, gave themselves an award for re-homing the WAO animals after they failed to protect them in the first place.  You know, only the federal government can give itself an award for absolute failure!  Our Country truly is slipping into an abyss.
Think about it people... the USDA failed to protect the WAO animals and instead tried to cut deals with the corrupt WAO board of directors because the USDA (as Dr. Pannill put it -- "Carol Asvestas lied to me" oh and let's not forget "Kristina, the paperwork is in order") and the Texas OAG's James Anthony (let's make a deal [over and over again] with the "criminals") were either too lazy or incompetent to thoroughly investigate the allegations made against the so-called wild animal sanctuary.  And to this date, the corruption continues!  When will the American people wake up and say enough is enough--government should NOT be allowed to reward themselves for FAILURE!!
Then there was the WAO's "enabler" listed on the stupid award certificate, IFAW.  What did IFAW do to receive this so-called prestigious award?  In 2006, I tried to get IFAW to do something, anything, to save the WAO animals...and what did they do?  They ignored the situation, hoped it would go away, and made fun of my complaints behind my back!  They gave the WAO more dollars to continue accepting and killing animals!  Oh and let's not forget that they had the audacity to act surprise when they saw the horrible animal care/living conditions at the WAO back in December 2009!  What a complete joke! Again, let's reward FAILURE, why don't we??!!
What I don't see is In-Sync Exotics' sanctuary listed as they played a significant role in rehoming the last of the WAO tigers.  Why isn't this organization mentioned? Hmmm.... Interesting....
And gee, why wasn't I even mentioned?  After all, if I hadn't raised the red flags about all the WAO animals that died and all the money that was stolen by the WAO's board of directors, then there would have been no award recipients!  So hey, all you corrupt and/or incompetent award winners, YOU'RE WELCOME!  Glad to have made your day.
You want to know who the losers are in this case?  The WAO animals.  The donors. 
Failure should not be celebrated.  And both the USDA, Texas OAG, and IFAW should be profoundly ashamed of themselves for even accepting this award.  Shame on you all.

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